Wednesday 16 July 2014

waiting the mean time...

So as I have stated previously...I didn't adopt chickens just for their eggs.... and it wasn't a lie.
But waiting for them to lay is a waiting game I have discovered I am not good at.

Every morning I go and check for eggs I know aren't going to be there.
It reminds me a little of waiting to give birth to my daughter. All that expectation.
Now these eggs aren't going to be baby chickens but I guess to my Hens it is sort of the same thing. They have no idea the egg their body has worked so hard to produce isnt going to be a baby chick....although I am not sure they even know what is happening when they first lay an egg??

To keep my mind off checking the coop for non-existent eggs I visited my local second hand shop to find an "egg basket". In order to have as little contact with hands as possible its best they go into a basket or bucket of come kind....

I didn't know previously that egg shells were extremely porous and can suck in the toxins/bacteria they are exposed too.  Some great advice on keeping chickens can be found from Lisa at her Fresh Eggs Daily's Blog.  Click here to visit her site.

As we will only have 2-3 eggs daily I decided on something small and versatile. I can line it with paper towel or if anyone has any suggestions???? It's not a wicker basket but I'm a big believer in making everyday chores/habits a little funner. So if this basket makes me smile inside then why not use it. The same principle goes for not forgetting to use my best tea cups from time to time.  Life is too short!  Anyway this little beauty cost me $4 so even if it becomes impractical to use for any reason it can become a fruit bowl or be given away as a gift with eggs.


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